
The Beginning

November 12, 2015- It was a crappy day by any standards- it was cold and raining, with wind of up to 60 mph. It was Thursday, but felt like it should be Friday. Living in an area whose weather is commonly described as bipolar, the wind and rain were more of an annoyance than anything else, and it was actually uncommonly warm for November. The day, miserable as it was in the short-term, was entirely ordinary in of itself. It wasn’t special.

But that was the day that sparked the thought that would eventually blossom into this, that would inspire me to share my thoughts, be as it may no one is listening.

I was sitting in AP World. We were supposed to be talking about 15th century China, but the conversation diverged from the subject matter as it often does, and we as a class got onto the subject of global warming.

Due to melting ice caps, ocean levels are rising. Everybody knows that. But what I didn’t know, or chose not to acknowledge, were the consequences of this. Islands are shrinking into nothing, and the state of Florida, whose absolute highest elevation is mere 345 feet above sea level won’t approve any new buildings not built at least ten feet above sea level. Why?

Because they won’t last- they’ll be enveloped by the shoreline in ten years, maybe less.

Eventually, it would get so bad that ocean waters would reach our fresh water sources, destroy food crops and buildings, and collapse the world’s economy.

Learning this, I reeled, especially when I heard the date this was all supposed to happen by: 2030.

So, so soon.

With that, my teacher grinned and said, “Enjoy the next 15 years, folks. You probably don’t have any longer!”

For the rest of the day, I couldn’t think about anything else. My mind went around and around, imagining possible scenarios in which this could happen, ways of adapting, and so forth. Discussing it with others in my class, I found they were having the same existential crisis as I. I debated with them heatedly all through the day.

By the time I’d gone to sleep that night, I’d gotten over the existential crisis bit. Hours of thinking yields a lot of results for me, and a lot to write down to get my thoughts straight.

That’s what this is. My thoughts, hypothesized plans, and new view on life after this eye-opener.

Don’t take anything I say as fact. It’s simply the hypotheses of someone trying to prepare as best they can. In fact, please argue with me (in an intelligent, calm manner, of course). Let me know how you see it, your thoughts, anything.

Here’s to the end of the world.

20 thoughts on “About

  1. You and I see the world in similar, yet different ways. Have hope that the human race can fix what it has caused. Be the person who will start to change in order to avoid this future that you have envisioned. I will too; you can see that I will on my blog Humanity Has Hope: How You and I Can Change the World. Now that you understand the consequences of your actions, it should be motivation to change. I applaud you for your revelations.

    You and I understand the faults in humanity and what it means for the planet. Now you must think, “Now what? What am I going to do about this? What actions am I going to take?” As a sophomore in high school, you and I can stand together and face these problems together if you wish. Just comment on my blog and we can become pen pals of change.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sounds great. I’ve always found it to be constructive to argue with someone about your different perspectives. I’ve been giving a lot of thought recently to the present as well; I have many ideas I have yet to post. I look forward to our discussions 🙂

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  2. You decided to follow my blog today. Thank you. Like the other commentator said, *paraphrase* change is possible. I have to believe that. I’m a few, probably 35, years older and have seen my life change from disaster to hope and a life worth living. If I am able to change me, I believe that my words might convince someone else to change, too. You are young enough to see the outcome of what gets started now. Perhaps like they said up there, you, too, may be a source of change…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m glad that you agree with me. If there are more people in the world who are willing to speak up and do something about what they know is wrong in the world, the better the world will become. Humanity has hope! You might like to read some of the things I have written in the past few months. humanityhashope.wordpress.com


  3. We can’t ‘fix’ what has already happened. We can, and are, finding ways to adapt to what is, to stop this insane headlong charge into extinction. The more people like you who ‘wake ‘ to this new reality, the more hope I have! 🙂 … it is the end of the world as we knew it, but here’s the new world. 😀

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    1. We can fix the world. We can undo all of the wrongs that humanity has committed upon itself. One way to do this is to forgive what certain groups have done to others throughout history, but then move forward as better people. The more people who take action to repair the world, the easier it will be to truly have an impact on the world. You may like a post on my blog titled “I will defeat ISIS”. I’m taking action to “fix” the world. Will you help me?


  4. As I’ve said at the beginning of one of my posts, I’m by no means an expert in any related subject to climate change or global politics.. I’m a 34 year old business graduate in England, still a misplaced cog in the machine and trying to find my place! But, of course, now I seem to think more about what’s outside the machine, who’s operating it and to what end.

    In my uneducated (yet observant) opinion only, the world is the way it is because it has been shaped this way by people or groups with much more influence (usually granted by poiso…I mean..money) than any single person like us chatting here. It really is great to feel like my concerns about the situation the world is in are shared but I think without consistent, regular, well-orchestrated collaborative events…it’s all just talk. The trouble is, I suppose, we’re locked into typical lives which have (relatively) insignificant issues that we have to deal with on a daily basis and that distracts many from ever acting. And even if you do act you’re labelled a radical.

    I prefer writing short, positive posts – which this one isn’t 🙂 But as I’ve discovered, the ones who can move us all towards change are our world leaders…politicians….but their concerns are primarily to be popular in the eyes of the people to remain in office so their decisions are related to popular choices not choices that will move us towards ‘the right thing’. Popularity is controlled by each and every one of us but the majority of us are unaware, misinformed, disinterested or just too preoccupied with what Miley Cirus did last week, what argument two random Hollywood A-listers are having, what jacket, underwear or fragrance this move star is wearing or something along those lines.

    Uh oh,,,I’m babbling.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I agree with you on many points- however, change has to start somewhere, and I believe that ideas and talk can blossom into something more. As for the length of your post, nothing is too much. Each opinion matters- trust me, I’ve had lengthier comments and I appreciate each one immensely. I hope you’ll be able to find the time to comment often 🙂

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  5. I feel and have felt a ground swelling of awakening people all over the world over the last ten years or so, I can feel it in the air, sense it in the earth and her reaction to me. WE are responsible for the changes in this world, the extinctions, the pollution, etc. and it is only we who can make a change. Bill McKibben wrote a wonderful book (among many others) called “Eaarth” which tells us about the world we have created through our arrogance and unbridled greed but he also gives us hope, not that we can change the earth back to what it was, but that we, as human beings, can find ways to continue to live on this planet of our own creation. We of course have to make changes in how we live, not just to survive but so matters won’t get any worse because of our existence. We all have to take responsibility for reducing our waste, our greed, our need for more and more, bigger and better. We as a species need to tame down our expectations or feelings of entitlement and really start thinking of ourselves as members of a global society that works for the best interest of everyone, animals and earth included. It can be done… I have great faith in our species and see a rising of earth conscious people, young and old alike. There is a wonderful movie titled “the Symphony of the Soil” that points the way to sustainable agriculture to feed our starving world, it is an amazing movie with a positive spin and is one full of hope and ideas to make that hope live. Don’t give up, give of yourself and help to educate others, together we can do this thing!! Much light and peace to you. Thank you for reading and liking my poem. I am looking forward to reading more of your writings! Michelle

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  6. Concerned for animals, plants, and ecosystems, I have become critical of humans for the ecological damage they do. Along with many others, I see human population growth as the ultimate threat to the Earth. On my blog, I am primarily a commentator (in boxing terms a counter-puncher), but I do write an occasional original posts. Most are factual pieces concerned with understanding and protecting wildlife. However, the latest post I’ve been tinkering with addresses the proposition that global warming could have one positive outcome; it could end human population growth. From my seat in the biophiliac row, this adds a bit of hope for the other side of the coming climate catastrophe. If you are interested, here’s a good comment on the current place of population in world economic politics: http://wp.me/p26kDO-jeO.

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  7. What you describe above reminds me of a scene from the movie “Tomorrowland”: the heroine sits in class, listening to her teachers describing one doom scenario after the other. Everyone just listens and watches, rather unfocused, but she raises her hand and asks: “How can we fix it?”
    I think giving up is not an option. Especially not if you have children (I have two). I firmly believe that mankind is adaptable and really good at surviving. But of course we need to wake up first. And start asking the right questions (like: how can we fix it…). Looks like you woke up…..

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    1. It’s people that think like you that worry me. I’m not saying that the issue of global warming hasn’t been used for personal gain (particularly in politics), but that doesn’t make it any less real or any less devastating to the environment.


  8. Loving the humour in this piece! I laugh as a madman. Just wanted to say a quick thank-you for dropping by my post, really enjoyed yours too. I’m not an academic so I can’t say anything intelligent about the area covered in the blog, but really enjoyed the writing, straight and sincere. Nice one 🙂

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  9. Thank you for following my blog. Although I’m rather late reading this post, I still want to share my thoughts. The first is this: rejecting knowledge is foolish. It never produces anything good. To add a second thought, it’s equally foolish to reject, ignore or shout down opinions that run contrary to our own. It’s a fine way to deprive oneself of a potentially vital.perspective. Third, a positive expectation of being able to make a difference is greatly preferable to any sort of fatalistic acceptance. Fourth and finally is this: a number of economists have pointed out that the problem with centrally planned and controlled economies is the sheer volume of issues to be considered and the requisite knowledge to do so. Simply put, centrally planned and controlled economies seek to do what simply cannot be done due to the size of the task. That’s how I see the various “end of life as we know it” scenarios. Each of them, or more accurately those who insist their preferred catastrophic event is The Big One, pretends to an encyclopedic knowledge of a myriad of factors. It’s one thing, I submit, to say “my/our best understanding of research and/or data suggests X is a likely outcome. It is something altogether different to emphatically say, or even dogmatically insist, that my view is how things will be with no potential for things to turn out otherwise absent a change in what people do.

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